DOGABETICS -Saving Lives-

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Mary and Abby

Mary and Abby

I have been a type one diabetic for 42 years, since childhood. I am also a family physician, retired for the last several years due to complications of diabetes. I discovered Ron Pace and Dogabetics by accident, searching online for obedience training for my one year old labradoodle, Abby.
Abby was perfect service dog material it turned out, and I think Ron thought I’d be pretty easy to train as well. Unknown to him when he took us on for DAD training, I’ve lived in nearly complete denial of my diabetes, a habit stemming from my childhood before tools like blood sugar monitoring and grief counseling were available. I was also deeply cynical of the ability of medical science, or anybody else, to help me.
Ron and Abby and Dogabetics have completely changed my attitude and my life in the nine months we’ve worked together. It’s been a huge struggle for me to admit to myself and to the world how serious my medical problems are, and to act on that knowledge by learning to care for myself. Thanks to Ron I no longer “hide out” with a hidden life-threatening condition. Abby is now my constant companion and support. Now when I get too discouraged/cynical to want to check my blood sugars, or I just don’t feel good, Abby’s alerts and cheerful presence give me the extra incentive I need to do what I need to do.
Although my consistency in checking blood sugar levels is a work in progress, I’ve brought my hemoglobin A1c down by 2 full percentage points since we began training with Ron. My doctor is absolutely thrilled. For me, I sleep much better at night now, rather than lying awake worrying what will happen to my 7-year-old son if my complications worsen or I don’t wake up in the morning.
Ron Pace is an amazing mixture of absolute knowledge and professionalism in dog training, consistency in his high expectations for the humans and the dogs he works with, and unwavering compassion. I thank God every single day for Ron (and his whole team, you guys are the best!) and for Abby.

Mary and Abby
Puyallup, WA

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